.. _reportpages: Report Pages ========== A report page can be viewed for any object - so every gene, protein, binding site, publication etc has it’s own report page. A report page allows you to view all the information available for a particular object and provides links to related objects. .. _tabs: Report page navigation ---------------------------------- The tabs at the top of the page allow for quick navigation to the data you are interested in. The following image shows the tabs from a FlyMine gene report page: .. image:: ../_images/reportpagetabs.png Summary ------------- Each report page starts with a summary section providing key details of the object you are viewing, such as names, identifiers and function: .. image:: ../_images/reportpageSummary.png Data displayers --------------------- Report pages provide information in a variety of formats depending on the data. They include summary tables of information, for example: .. image:: ../_images/reportpagetable.png graphs of data, for example expression data: .. image:: ../_images/reportpagegraph.png and interactive viewers, for example protein interaction data: .. image:: ../_images/reportpageinteraction.png Interacting with report pages -------------------------------------- Most of the data displayed on report pages is interactive to some extent. Tables of data provide links to the related objects that they reference (see image above), bars on a graph are often links to additional information and the results of embedded template searches provide the :ref:`resultstables` with their full functionality. .. image:: ../_images/reportpageresults.png External links ------------------ Report pages provide two sorts of external links - links to other InterMine databases and links to external sources. Links to other InterMine databases are only available for genes. The link will be created either from the same gene object or the orthologous gene in the database you are linking to. For example, the *Drosophila* zen gene in FlyMine links to the Human HOXC5 gene in metabolicMine (a database of largely Human data). The orthology mapping is determined by the InterMine database you are linking to. The orthology datasets in each InterMine can be from different sources. .. image:: ../_images/reportpageExternalLinks.png Lists ------- The report pages also show if the object you are viewing is present in any lists. The lists shown could be lists you have created yourself or public lists that are available to everyone (see :ref:`lists`). In addition, you can add the object to any of your own lists. .. image:: ../_images/reportpageLists.png Sequence information ------------------------------ If the object you are viewing has a sequence, you can access this in FASTA format from the summary section of the report page: Click on the **FASTA** button next to the Length. The sequence will open in a new tab. .. image:: ../_images/reportpageSequence.png Sharing a report page ------------------------------ Every report page has a **share** button. This provides the url you should use if you want to create a link to the page. The **share** button is found in the top section of report pages: .. image:: ../_images/reportpageShare.png