.. _Exercise2: exploring_a_gene .. _tabs: Exercise2: Exploring a gene --------------------------- You are interested in the Human PPARG gene and want to know the following things about it: Use HumanMine for this exercise **1. On which chromosome is the PPARG gene located?** **2. Can I access the sequence for the PPARG gene?** **3. With which diseases is PPARG associated?** **4. In which tissues is PPARG most highly expressed?** **5. Does the PPARG protein have any know isoforms?** **6. Is there a PPARG orthologue in D. melanogaster?** **7. Does this orthologue interact with any other Genes/proteins? Identify the interaction type (genetic/physical)?** **8. For the interaction with CG3040, what was the original experiment and publication that determined this interaction?** Need a hint? Take a look at :ref:`reportpages` Exercise2: Answers ------------------- **1. On which chromosome is the PPARG gene located?** **2. Can I access the sequence for the PPARG gene?** The first section on the gene report page provides information about the chromosome location of the gene along with identifiers and synonyms and a link to the FASTA DNA sequence .. image:: ../../_images/exercise2.png **3. With which diseases is PPARG associated?** In HumanMine a summary of data is provided at the top of the report page (note this feature is not available in all InterMine's). .. image:: ../../_images/exercise2.3a.png Further disease information is sometimes available from the “Curated comments from Uniprot”: .. image:: ../../_images/exercise2.3b.png **4. In which tissues is PPARG most highly expressed?** Data on tissue expression can be found from three sources: **A. Human gene expression atlas** of 5372 samples representing 369 different cell and tissue types, disease states and cell lines: from http://www.ebi.ac.uk/arrayexpress/experiments/E-MTAB-62/ .. image:: ../../_images/exercise2.4a.png **B. Human Protein Atlas:** http://www.proteinatlas.org/ .. image:: ../../_images/exervise2.4b.png **C. Curated comments from Uniprot:** .. image:: ../../_images/exercise2.4c.png **5. Does the PPARG protein have any know isoforms?** a. Navigate to the proteins table using the quick links .. image:: ../../_images/exercise2.5a.png b. Select the PPARG_HUMAN protein (the canonical uniprot annotated protein) to be taken to the protein report page. Note: we can also see from this table that PPARG has two isoforms: PPARG_HUMAN2 and PPARG_HUMAN3 c. Navigate to the Isoforms table on the protein report page. Note that this table links to a report page for each of the isoforms. .. image:: ../../_images/exercise2.5b.png **6. Is there a PPARG orthologue in D. melanogaster?** .. image:: ../../_images/exercise2.6.png **7. Does this orthologue interact with any other proteins? Identify the interaction type (genetic/physical)?** Use the “Interactions” quick link to navigate to protein and genetic Interaction data. Eip75B has a genetic interaction with genes Nos, Ph-p, Smn, S6K, Kr, Rheb and Hr51 and physical interactions with CG3040, COX5B and Hr51. .. image:: ../../_images/exercise2.7.png **8. For the interaction with CG3040, what was the original experiment and publication that determined this interaction?** .. image:: ../../_images/exercise2.8.png