.. _Exercise6: using_template_searches .. _tabs: Exercise6: Using template searches ----------------------------- Use HumanMine for this exercise. In our exploration of the PPARG gene we could see that it is Up-regulated in adipose tissue. Use the template searches in HumanMine to answer the following questions: **1. What other genes are up-regulated in adipose tissue according to the array express dataset (E-MTAB-62)? Don't forget to add a filter for “UP” expression. Save a list of these genes.** **Note:** The E-MTAB-62 dataset is a human gene expression atlas of 5372 samples representing 369 different cell and tissue types, disease states and cell lines **2. Do any of the genes identified in 1. interact with PPARG? Save a list of these genes.** Need a hint? Take a look at :ref:`templatesearches` Exercise6: Answers ------------------- **1. What other genes are up-regulated in adipose tissue according to the Array express dataset? Don't forget to add a filter for “UP” expression. Save a list of these genes.** Find the following template and set “Condition = Adipose tissue” .. image:: ../../_images/exercise6a.png Filter the column “Atlas Expression.Expression” for “UP” “Save as List” : Atlas Expression > Gene. You should have a list of 1, 654 genes **2. Do any of the genes identified in 1. interact with PPARG? Save a list of these genes.** .. image:: ../../_images/exercise6c.png